2. Differentiate between-
a. Primary & Secondary Memory
b. Hardware & Software
c. Program & Algorithm
3. Explain the computer generations in detail.
4. Write a short note on the need of operating system.
5. Explain the functions of an Operating System in detail.
6. Explain the different categories of operating system.
7. Differentiate between Menu driven & command driven shell.
8. Explain the following functions of an operating system in brief-
a. Memory Management
b. Device Management
c. File Management
9. Differentiate between Application software & system software.
10. Differentiate between Packaged and customized software.
11. Differentiate between Machine language & Assembly language
12. Differentiate between Interpreter and compiler
13. Differentiate between Procedural and non-procedural language
14. Write a short note on-
a. Batch Processing
b. Real time processing
c. Online processing
15. Explain System Development Life Cycle in detail.
16. Explain FLOWCHART in brief.
17. Explain the following constructs of a programming language
a. Sequence
b. Selection
c. Iteration
18. Define following terms
a. Syntax
b. Semantics
c. Pragmatics
19. Define following terms
a. Field
b. Record
c. File
20. Explain the following File organizations
a. Heap
b. Sequential
c. Index Sequential
d. Direct
21. Explain database and different categories of DBMS.
22. Explain the basic operations of a RDBMS.
23. Define following terms in context of a database-
a. Tuple
b. Relation
c. Domain
d. Attribute
e. Primary Key
f. Foreign Key
g. Cardinality
h. Degree
i. Composite Key
j. Data Dictionary
k. Database Administrator
l. Integrity constraints
24. What is Network? Explain its advantages in detail.
25. Explain the different types of networks in detail.
26. Differentiate between Point to Point and broadcast networks.
27. Explain the different types of network topologies in detail.
28. Write a short note on network protocol.
29. Differentiate between simplex, half duplex, & full duplex transmission technology.
30. Explain the key features of MS-Word.
31. Explain the key features of MS-Excel.
32. Explain the key features of MS-PowerPoint.
33. Explain the key features of MS-Access.
34. Explain the concept of E-Commerce, its advantages and disadvantages in brief.
35. Write a short note on EDI.
36. Explain the different categories of E-commerce transactions.
37. Explain the concept of Information System in detail.
38. List down the different categories of Information Systems.
39. Explain the quality attributes required for a good IS.
40. Explain TPS, MIS and DSS in brief.
41. Explain Hospital Information System.
42. Explain the concept of Tele-medicine in detail.
43. Explain the concept of EMR in detail.
44. Write a short note on the role of IT in hospital management.
45. Explain the concept of Tele-consultation in detail.
a. Sequence
b. Selection
c. Iteration
18. Define following terms
a. Syntax
b. Semantics
c. Pragmatics
19. Define following terms
a. Field
b. Record
c. File
20. Explain the following File organizations
a. Heap
b. Sequential
c. Index Sequential
d. Direct
21. Explain database and different categories of DBMS.
22. Explain the basic operations of a RDBMS.
23. Define following terms in context of a database-
a. Tuple
b. Relation
c. Domain
d. Attribute
e. Primary Key
f. Foreign Key
g. Cardinality
h. Degree
i. Composite Key
j. Data Dictionary
k. Database Administrator
l. Integrity constraints
24. What is Network? Explain its advantages in detail.
25. Explain the different types of networks in detail.
26. Differentiate between Point to Point and broadcast networks.
27. Explain the different types of network topologies in detail.
28. Write a short note on network protocol.
29. Differentiate between simplex, half duplex, & full duplex transmission technology.
30. Explain the key features of MS-Word.
31. Explain the key features of MS-Excel.
32. Explain the key features of MS-PowerPoint.
33. Explain the key features of MS-Access.
34. Explain the concept of E-Commerce, its advantages and disadvantages in brief.
35. Write a short note on EDI.
36. Explain the different categories of E-commerce transactions.
37. Explain the concept of Information System in detail.
38. List down the different categories of Information Systems.
39. Explain the quality attributes required for a good IS.
40. Explain TPS, MIS and DSS in brief.
41. Explain Hospital Information System.
42. Explain the concept of Tele-medicine in detail.
43. Explain the concept of EMR in detail.
44. Write a short note on the role of IT in hospital management.
45. Explain the concept of Tele-consultation in detail.