Friday, February 11, 2011

Synopsis sample - HR


Study of transition of management from a small scale unit to a large scale unit, with special focus on the behavioral aspects of the top management.”

This thesis proposes to study an organization which developed from a small scale unit into a large scale, with the major focus on the behavioral aspects of the top management team of the organization.

A firm’s performance is a "reflection" of the characteristics and actions of the team of managers central to the firm, which is the top management of the firm. I have taken up this topic for study keeping in mind the present scenario of diversification & growth of industries and economy. This phase has just begun and will continue to grow in future. Hence this study will be helpful to all the organizations which wish to grow by leaps & bounds.

The top managers’ behavior has got lot to do with the entire firm being viewed as a closely knit group with less number of conflicts. Trust is a result of the many shared experiences and common values experienced through the proximity of members and endurance of the social structure of the firm.

Therefore, the basic purpose of my study is to establish the proportional relation between the behavioral aspects of the top management and the success and growth of an organization.


It is a known fact that satisfied employees and subordinates stand as solid as rock with the organization & its top management. The wholesome support of the employees helps in escalation of the organization. But this support can be garnered only when the top managers’ management style is participative in nature and they make each & every employee feel that this organization is their own. The behavioral aspects of the top management is demonstrated right from the way the strategic planning is done – whether employees have a say in that or not, the way meetings are conducted – how every person is seated at the meeting & whether everyone is heard, the way good performance is rewarded by the top managers and even whether the top managers are approachable by even the small executive of the firm.

* This thesis will help me obtain in-depth knowledge of all the above mentioned aspects in light of the present era of diversification & globalization.

* I would be able to study the conduct of the top managers who steer the organization to the correct trail. This would definitely help in my career to understand the implications of my superiors at work.

* It would also help me distinguish the HR behavioral theories & the actual HR practices.

* The possible value addition to the organization under study would be that the top managers can strengthen their positive behavior and cut down on the behavioral aspects which send out negative implications to the employees.

* This study would build up my analytical skills as well as act as a stimulant to thinking & build up my knowledge base.


The probable limitations that I foresee as of now are:

* The major limitation would be of collecting information via a questionnaire from the employees of the organization. They may perceive it as an uninvited interference and may not respond appropriately.

* Adding to the above point would be non-response errors from the part of the respondents to the survey – this can be Unit non-response or Item non-response. Situational errors may also occur due to the fact that the survey can be conducted only in the work-place in the presence of various colleagues.

* The analysis part strictly depends on the responses that I am able to obtain. Hence it is possible that the analysis is not 100% accurate and may or may not conform to the various behavioral theories.


* First I have to select an organization, which has undergone the transition from a small scale unit into a large one. I have already done this and zeroed in on Adani Group as the organization of my study.

* Then I would undertake a ground study of the organization – right from its inception to its current position. I would take help of the internet as well as a visit to the organization. Hence this would include primary as well as secondary data.

* Next step would be preparation of a questionnaire which would be distributed to the employees of the organization. Only the employees would be able to help me develop knowledge about the behavioral aspects of the top management right from beginning to the current position. This would be my PRIMARY source of information.

* SECONDARY data, as in behavioral theories as well as information from the internet would also be included in the study in order to validate my findings.

* The last step is an in-depth analysis of the entire information obtained from both the primary as well as secondary sources of information. I would collate all the information in sequence and present it through a report.


The anticipated schedule for the research work in the available time frame is as follows:

Week 1 - Will be studying the MT title and its implications in detail.
Week 2 - Will be referring to the reference books & the concerned theories to get in-depth knowledge to proceed further. Simultaneously I would explore the organization and its
various divisions/SBUs.

Week 3 - Will be preparing the questionnaire and hence start collecting the primary information. Will also prepare the Interim Report stating the status of my study till then.
Week 4 - Will complete the process of collection of entire primary information on my study.
Week 5 - Would be assembling all the behavioral theories of HR that go with the data collected. Would also surf the internet for some secondary data which go with the study.
Week 6 - Would carry out the data analysis.
Week 7 - Would complete the data analysis and collate information from both the sources of information in order.
Week 8 - Would write down the final thesis & present the findings.


Books referred to:

· Organizational Behavior, ICMR

· Strategic Human Resource, ICMR

· Human Resource Management, K.Ashwathappa.

Websites referred to:



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